“Magnesium” and “Vitamin D”, nutritional ingredients that boost immunity

With many news such as Covid-19, epidemics of variants, and declarations of emergencies, it is necessary to be positive every day regardless of the situation in the world. We should take this as an opportunity to thoroughly improve our lifestyle, change ourselves, and make improvements that will boost our immune system and improve our mental health.

source: www.unsplash.com

When We researched effective nutritional ingredients to boost immunity, We were most intrigued by magnesium and vitamin D. These two nutrients can be taken from nature and food. We are conscious of taking nutrition regularly, but We want to be more conscious of it in our life during this time of staying home.

“Magnesium” is a nutritional component that cannot be synthesized by the body, like iron and zinc, and is one of the essential minerals for the human body.

“Vitamin D”is a nutrient necessary to support the absorption of calcium and maintain bone health.

Foods that contain Magnesium include
hijiki, dried shrimp, aosa, seaweed, brown seaweed, kelp, almonds, walnuts, sesame, natto, tofu, kinako, brown rice, multigrain rice, spinach, yogurt, and soy milk.

Foods that contain Vitamin D include
crowd ear, shiitake, salmon, sardine, ankimo, saury, shirasu, salmon roe, egg yolk, etc.
*Vitamin D can be produced in the body not only by food, but also by exposure to sunlight.

source : Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s eJIM

source: www.unsplash.com

Expected prevention and effects of Magnesium
Improvement of metabolism, diabetes, constipation and swelling, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, etc.

Expected prevention and effects of Vitamin D
Immunity improvement, hay fever, diabetes, cancer, depression, psoriasis, etc.

*The prevention and effects are still in the research stage.

Foods and sunbathing


Some of the ingredients include foods that we eat regularly, and many of them are used in Japanese cuisine. Rather than taking supplements from the beginning, it may be better to consciously incorporate them into your daily diet and feel the changes in your body. In particular, Magnesium is said to be deficient in daily intake of 100 mg or more on average due to changes in Japanese diet. It means that minerals are always deficient. We want to incorporate magnesium-rich ingredients (seaweed, legumes, etc.) into my daily menu.

Vitamin D can also be produced in the sun’s rays. On a sunny day in the morning, find a space that is as empty as possible, take off your mask, and take in the morning sunlight for a short time to change your mood. Perhaps the effects of eating will not be seen immediately, but we must keep trying.
