Take an imaginary journey with a tea tree, also used by Aboriginal

To the Aboriginal people of Australia, the tea tree was a sacred tree.

What is a Tea Tree?

Tea tree (Myrtaceae genus name: Melaleuca) is a plant native to Australia that lives in wetland areas in subtropical regions (such as the Gold Coast on the east coast, where there are few temperature changes throughout the year).

source: www.pexels.com

Aboriginal Australians are said to have traditionally used this leaf as a medicinal herb for thousands of years. Even today, it seems to be commonly used in Australia to prevent itching and disinfect scratches.

Effect of tea tree, essential oil, fragrance

When I used tea tree oil and balm-like oil, it was more effective than the ones I had used so far for pimples, acne, and abrasions. It is safer for the body to have more naturally derived ingredients than to contain chemicals. In addition, the tea tree is said to have anti-virus and anti-bacterial effects, so it seems possible to keep the mask clean diluting the essential oil and dropping one or two drops on the mask at this time.

If you have no problems with your skin after patch testing, you will feel the effects. If not, it is better to avoid it. The essential oil is made by steam distilling the leaves of the tea tree. The scent is not too strong and has a slightly woody aroma.

source: www.unsplash.com

Made in Australia

In the area where tea tree grows naturally, there is a lake called Ainsworth Lake in the area south of the Gold Coast (about 90 minutes by car). The color of the lake is brown, and the extract from the roots of the tree (such as tea tree and the same Myrtaceae Niaouli) melts into the lake and is dyed brown like black tea. *The photo is an image.

source: www.unsplash.com

Locally, it is also called Tea Tree Lake. Depending on the season, you can go into the lake and bathe and feel the tree extract all over your body. There are many comments such as being refreshed in the reviews of tourist sites.

About Australia’s indigenous people, the Aboriginal

When I think of Aboriginal people, images of brown and earthy colors come to mind.

The Aborigines were said to have migrated from Africa to Asia over 50,000 years ago and then settled in northern Australia and are said to be the oldest ethnic group of humankind. Aboriginal people are also called First Peoples, meaning “the first”.

There are many different Aboriginal tribes, each with different languages (over 200) and customs. Although there are many different languages, it is said that in ancient times, people did not read or write, but communicated by drawing. I can only imagine that this is how the unique Aboriginal art (Aboriginal art) spread around the world.

Another image that comes to mind is that Aboriginal people playing along, cylindrical pieces of wood over their mouths. It is an instrument called “Didgeridoo” made by hollowing out a eucalyptus tree and is used to express animal sounds and in Aboriginal ceremonies and dances.

source; www.unsplash.com

Recently, I heard a story that Aboriginal people had telepathic abilities as a way to communicate with each other. It sounds outrageous, but I think it’s possible…

Aboriginal ties to the land, and Uluru

To the Aboriginal people, “land” means everything and is sacred. The land that our ancestors walked on, the land where we can feel their DNA, means that we value our connection to people and family very much.

Uluru (Ayers Rock), a World Heritage Site in the Northern Territory of South Australia, is truly a sacred land and one of their sacred places. Aboriginal rituals are still practiced there, and there are many myths about Uluru. One of the most important teachings for Aborigines is Dream Time.

What is Dream time?

source: www.unsplash.com

Dream Time is the memory that the myth of creation (a world where the past, present, and future meet), which took place in ancient times, continues to exist at this very moment. And we are living in that world.

To pass it on to the next generation of Aborigines, the face and body are painted, singing and dancing, and sacred rituals are performed to pass it on to the next generation. The spiritual teachings are protected only by the Aborigines by handing them down without leaving them in the letters. It is a dialogue with nature and may provide hints for humankind to live in the future.

The Future of Humanity

In recent years, Elon Musk, known as the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, has been developing a technology to implant artificial intelligence in the human brain through his company Neuralink. If successful, it is said that humans will be able to implant chips in their brains and have telepathy as part of the technology. Here in Japan, the Cabinet Office has announced a plan called Moonshot Goals.

Perhaps ancient humans had something like telepathy as an instinct in a connection only with nature. It is possible that this was something that everyone had in ancient times, and that it was lost as humanity evolved (vast amounts of information, science, technological innovation, etc.). Maybe it’s not evolution, it’s retreating? I suddenly thought.

I feel that there are things that Aboriginal people can teach us today.

See: neuralink.com

The end of my imaginary journey

source: www.unsplash.com

Now that restrictions are being placed on overseas travel due to the effects of Corona, and people are being discouraged from traveling overseas, I am imagining that the Aboriginal people would have bathed in Lake Tea Tree after hunting and that the lake would have been a place of healing and conversation. I will put a few drops of tea tree in my aroma humidifier at the end of the day and rest.
